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Made with the support of NZ On Air.

Eileen Corcoran, R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor

Influenza spreading in Aotearoa for the first time since COVID pandemic began

Wednesday 25th May 2022 | Eileen Corcoran | R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor |

As Aotearoa's borders closed in March 2020 to keep COVID-19 out of the country, influenza was also prevented from making its way into the community, and it has stayed out until now. However, with the nation opening back up, influenza is making its way around the community, particularly those under 25. We spoke to Dr Michael Butchard, Medical Officer at the Southern District Health Board, about the spread of influenza this winter alongside the continued presence of Omicron in the community.

Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman on the Electoral (Strengthening Democracy) Amendment Bill

Wednesday 25th May 2022 | Eileen Corcoran | R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor |
Image: Golriz Ghahraman/Creative Commons

The Electoral (Strenghtening Democracy) Amendment Bill, drawn in the members ballot on May 19th, seeks to bring about a raft of electoral reforms including lowering the voting age to 16, extending voting rights to all prisoners, lowering the party vote threshold to enter parliament and more. Green Party List MP Golriz Ghahraman, who entered the bill into the members ballot, joins us to explain why these reforms are needed.


Climate ramifications of the 2022 Budget

Thursday 12th May 2022 | Eileen Corcoran | R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor |

Finance Minister Grant Robertson is set to announce the 2022 Budget next week. Alongside COVID recovery, climate change is a highly anticipated part of this year's Budget. Lisa Ellis, director of the PPE programme at the University of Otago, tells us what is expected from this year's budget, and what more needs to be done.

Sinn Féin's landmark election win in Northern Ireland explained

Thursday 12th May 2022 | Eileen Corcoran | R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor |
Image: Sinn Féin

Irish nationalist party Sinn Féin made history over the weekend as they became the first nationalist party to win a majority in the Northern Irish general election, moving the possibility of a unified Ireland into previously unexplored territory. Sonja Tiernan, co-director of the University of Otago's Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, speaks to R1 News about what Sinn Féin's win means for Northern Ireland and the potential of a unified Ireland in the near future.

News Bulletin: Rāapa Wednesday 11th May

Wednesday 11th May 2022 | Eileen Corcoran | R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor |

News Bulletin: Rātū Tuesday 10th May

Tuesday 10th May 2022 | Eileen Corcoran | R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor |

News Bulletin: Rāhina Monday 9 May

Monday 9th May 2022 | Eileen Corcoran | R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor |

News Bulletin: Rātu Tuesday 26th April

Tuesday 26th April 2022 | Eileen Corcoran | R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor |

News Bulletin: Rāmere 22nd April

Friday 22nd April 2022 | Eileen Corcoran | R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor |

News Bulletin: Rāapa Wednesday 20th April

Wednesday 20th April 2022 | Eileen Corcoran | R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor |

Critic Catch-Up

Monday 11th April 2022 | Eileen Corcoran | R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor |
Quintin Jane | R1 News Reporter |

We talk to Critic Te Arohi Editor Fox Meyer about this week's issue.


The dangers of political candidate publicising their home addresses

Monday 11th April 2022 | Eileen Corcoran | R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor |

Politicians are required to list an address on campaign materials. This practice has come under scrutiny recently for the safety risk it poses, especially for women, small parties and independent candidates without offices. We speak to Jessica Hammond of The Opportunities Party.

Vaccine passes become optional at 11.59pm today

Tuesday 5th April 2022 | Eileen Corcoran | R1 News Manager | Digital Content Editor |

Vaccine mandates are being abolished tomorrow, after four months of strict usage. It will become optional for businesses and private organisations to require vaccine passes as a condition of entry. Eileen Corcoran looks at what this means going forward.