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Debt sucks. We're here to help.


This spring, the biggest radio station promotion of the millennium comes to a flat near you, when those crazy kids at Radio One 91FM do something so unbelievable, so outlandish, you’ll be on the phone to your Uncle Frank hyperventilating into a Molenberg bread bag, and pissing your pants.

In a cold, bleak corporate world gone wrong: Not enough money to even buy a pizza for the squad, or a pack of darts, one radio station emerges from the ashes of the North, it’s bow drawn long, it’s sword held high to KILL THE BILLS.

If you’ve got Bills, we want to kill them dead.
Every week were dropping $100 on some lucky student's arrears to help get those debts cleared, and get them one step ahead.

You want to Kill the Bills?
Keep your eye on Radio One 91FM instagram and facebook on Mondays from September 5th for all the skinny and your chance to enter.